Sunday, December 5, 2010

Unconscious Jester

As conscience reaps us shame
Is not confidence built on pride
Fortunes of a man who desires glory
Dreams departs to begin the plans
A never ending circus dance
Of building block irritations

Far away I hear the hymns
When they end I wake from dreaming
All around I hear the shouting and cheering
Still I applaud with my hands
I am one of the jesters
Applauding on the obscene
This disappointment of man
Another muddle in society's circus

As imagination speeds our dreams
Does not applause build self esteem
Bravery of heart restored to childhood glory
Frustration departs to begin fear
A muse in the shape of a story
Pitch black until written down

Far away I hear their hymns of hope
Angels in endless silence dreaming
I barely wake amidst all the cheering
Still I applaud with my hands
I am a mere prisoner amongst jesters
Applauding on the obscene
This disappointment of man
Another tragic separation
In society's circus