Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Poetry & Podcasts July 31
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Poetry & Podcasts July 30
Dear God, Tomorrow I might die, So tonight I write to she who waits...
Dearest Death
Comparative nature of souls,A worrisome internal narrative that leads to reckless words,Prejudice foundation is comparison of one to another
Someday I shall day,Surely my family will say I wasted my life writing these ill begotten words,Rather than seeking friends or finding love
Caption of inner turmoil lived outside,#Syria unto #Turkey Tear filled round up of citizens,A slave I call myself free,Unto a system of debt
Dear God, Tomorrow I might die, So tonight I write to she who waits...Dearest Death, Wrap your single wing left of centre over me as I...
Some people have dreams&gifts parents can be proud of,Both of mine are pock marks of my single white stain on this ageing black sheep,I die!
#Peace sits astride a lie,Freedom a witness to apathy,The world over is denied equality for the sake of perpetuating debt for greed's sake.
Malefaction of a disgusting nature, Innocent child's womb stolen by blood after she tested positive for a beating,#Fetus lost to #Violence !
Illogical principles thrown down the stairs,Out a window the daughter flees,Victim of a #Sexualcrime in dry darkness under invisible sheets!
Nothing to hide the intoxicating shame that lies inside after the perpetrator of #rape has finished his breach,A submissive storm rages on!
#Masturbate to degrading subject matter,Real life didn't bend over until the #beating began,Illbegotten will of destruction,Invisible murder
Breach of life,Signs of illegitimate #sexuality,#Gay mandated out of me,I was born the opposite way,Never accepted,Life is oft too tragic...
I wish my epitaph read,'I was born this way & accepted,' Sadly the #homosexuality was preyed for comfort out of me,A trap perception of love
Clear your mind,Fade the glacier of illegitimate logic out,Try to remember the peace of fairness,Foundation for equality,Signs of peace,Lost
We're undone,Staggering in a weary long overdue endless eclipse,Dark swallowed sanity's plea for inner peace while sitting silently at night
Share what it is I am with the world,Knowing the thoughts of my insane streaming of endless conscious poetry will advice love against me...
Men have died for less,The achievement of love, Echo upon my lips can't describe the blossom inside, Shadow the sun & I should still smile
Familiar constellation of a smile,Like waking beside hope,Cuddling hand in hand with an unforeseen everafter dream,Edge of hope is this love
Tragic lonely life sign apparel,Stranger offshore treading water in a sea of battered hope,Distance leapt of faith by a lean in,Kiss of lips
Beautiful amidst battered dreams,Chivalrous notice left on your heart,Kind words asking 'please heal me, I'm already complete,' I found you!
Scenario of hopeless desperation,What to do next,Closed my lidless inner eye&turned off the imagination,Living in the moment I met her skin
I looked into my dreams & saw today,It's 1:17 AM & I'm still up writing the hope inspired version of my heart in text upon invisible pages.
God damn my intentions,Inadvertent subconscious depths of selfishness,Where does it sprout from,Nature's grasp or Nurture's broken heart...
Stand with me,Hope is on it's way,Eventually time explains all lose in the last breathe,An epic realisation that a reason ignored did exist!
In earnest anticipation of,
Out to Afterlife
Monday, July 29, 2013
The Mending of Self: Courage to Believe...
In earnest anticipation of,
Spoken Word Podcasts July 29th
World's Over Journal VI Redwood
I know it’s been a few days, lots to catch up on, though as I write this... I don't know if I have the heart to tell you of the past few days. Charles managed to engage the fusion core, we were both so thankful to have more light than the unstable emergency ones. We got the external cameras online and were able to take in our surroundings.
Our tomb was in the centre of a forest of the most majestic trees either of us had ever seen. We stared in awe at the two monitors as they panned back and forth over the forest floor. The Bahamut was propped up against a most unnaturally large tree, gigantic Sequoia, larger than any we had ever laid eyes on. Charles decided that the moment needed some tension defusing.
'It would seem that a trek into the wild wouldn’t be such a wise move since we know next to nothing biology of the flora and fauna of the region,' Charles had said, in an attempt to defuse tension. He quickly noticed that it did not work, he promptly leaned in for a kiss, I turned to him and he got one. I had been mesmerised by fear of the unknown. Lucky for me, my husband knows me well, even if his humour never evolved, his mind stuck in the stone ages of dreary scientific logic.
Later that day Charles ran some tests and discovered that there was enough power left in the fusion core to use the secondary laser three or four times, depending on length of use per shot. After that there would be enough to charge the laser saw twice before all being completely drained.
After that I managed to find some food while rummaging through the compartments which had been power locked. My day was made and I sat back happy with my hands tearing at protein bars and a special cranberry juice, which was still quite tasty. Seeing that I was content Charles kept up his work in front of the computer screen. Later on he advised me that he was devising a plan to make a tree house. But that it would take meticulous planning before he could implement it.
The plan was to cut down the tree which Bahamut rested against and make our home in the hollowed out stump with the laser saw. Charles decided to stop the tree from disturbing the forest floor next to the tree by using the cable launcher to pull it over so that on its trajectory down it would hit the mightiest branch of the neighbouring tree, but that the cables would be fired then, pulling it over the branch so that it acted as a leaver. The tree would then be slide off the far end of the branch and down a slope, sliding away from the our would be home.
The next day the forest would wake to a calamity, a blizzard of wood chips, branches, leaves and earth. A might thwomp that shook the forest's floor as it slid down the slope towards a ravine. Then we would leave our tomb forever...
In earnest anticipation of,
With Charles
The Power of Voice, A Sibling...
My broken vocal chords of empathy's imagination
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Spoken Word July 28th
Saturday, July 27, 2013
World's Over Journal V Day's Light
When first we took in the sight of our surroundings it was dawn, the light was streaming through a dense forest of the largest and most wondrous Redwoods I’ve ever seen.
‘Sequoia darling,’ Charles corrected me as I gasped ‘Red…wood,’ slowly taking in the immense sight beside us. It was nearly a seventy feet round, its bark was thicker than Charles’ arm and so red it seemed as though the blood of all the warriors who died in the last war had stained it so. The tree was nearly the height of a towering sky scraper and at its top were boughs of dark green, beautiful. All around us in every direction, save east, for as far as we could see, the canopy of Giant Sequoia trees surrounded us. Immediately our eyes were drawn to the dense undergrowth of beautiful purple flowers, much like a giant Orchid. There were many other unique flowers nearby, though we did not linger long in them for our eyes were drawn to a second species of tree that grew close together underneath the Redwood, they were Arbutus trees. They had formed a second canopy below the Sequoia's, the trees had managed to create a twisting labyrinth as the branches that formed their boughs grew together. It was an amazing sight to behold.
Our little hollow, was but a glad in the majestic forest which was to be our home the Bahamut resting silently against it, our comrades hibernating inside. Beyond the tree, to the East, was an open field of tall grass before the slope. The rock was dark red though here and there were large blots of gray stone. Flowing steadily nearly a few thousand feet below us was a river of deep blue.
Next Charles mapped out a floor plan for our home, powered the laser saw and went into the tree about fifteen feet from the ground, he promised to build me a grand staircase. It took him a few days, but he managed to hollow out two floors for us to live in with a fantastic, broad and deep step staircase, I was very impressed. After that, the fusion core flicked out and all was silent inside Bahamut once again. We left a note in the hand of each of the comrades, though we posted one to the casing which held three of them captive inside the gunnery core of the right arm. We left the Bahamut’s large rear hatch open, for the angle it sat on no weather could get inside, though at night we closed it for fear of… Whatever might be out there, in our massive new world.
In earnest anticipation of,
With Charles
July 27th Poetry & Podcasts
Friday, July 26, 2013
World's Over Journal IV Just a Dream?
It wasn’t a dream;
Lights, brilliant blue illuminated the silent steel husk of Bahamut. Whether by some tampering of Charles earlier that day or the lifting of some magic from our tomb, the fusion power core had become active. All around us the silence manifested itself, once our minds rested in the darkness and flickering of blue, now that we could see everyone around it, an eerie feeling much like death was upon us.
We began looking around only to find all the others situated in a state of hibernation or death without decay. Edgar, Motron and Boren a heap of crumpled armour sealed behind the protective shield that now held them captive inside the cannon core.
Maggie along with her husband Leinis were both huddled together against ammunition crates near the bunks to the right of the command console; Croglin with his wife Celise were cuddled up tightly together in the bunk just behind them. Ceska, the wife of Motron, had Priscilla, the only child on board, wrapped tightly in hear arms on the floor just behind the center bulkhead along the right shell wall behind the others. Ruldo sat motionless his head bowed with both hands upon his lap in the command console. The solitude of silence steals heartbeats from my chest.
In earnest anticipation of,
With Charles
Ps. That is all my heart could bear to write.
Tweets + Verse 26th
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Spoken Word Podcasts July 23rd
In earnest anticipation of,
Tweets & Spokenword Podcasts
World's Over Journal III Breathing Awake
Early this morning our tomb’s silent darkness was broken; I call it morning, but honestly I had no idea what time of day it is. The flickering of fusion energy within the tubes, which we usually slept through by now, stabilized into bright blue beams of light all around us. The floors, walls and ceiling lit the entirety of our once corpse like shell.
Though much of our little world seemed more alive than we had ever known it, no one else reanimated. It was eerie, as for the first time we took in with our eyes the full weight of our tomb. Those sleeping remained in their slumber, heads bowed with clumps of matted hair hanging over their grimy emotionless faces, uncaring at the change in life around them. Silent guardians in their combat armour sat or lay about us where they had fallen. Some in their battle stations or huddled against one another beside an ammo crate or cuddled together on a bunk arm over arm. They weren’t even breathing, all at once this fact, which we had been oblivious to until now, hit the both of us hard, how didn’t we notice this before?
In earnest anticipation of,
With Charles
Tweets 25th
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
World's Over Journal II Time & Place
So Charles and I had been attempting to work out where we were headed. Mostly we rambled back and forth in the silence until our voices were harsh or we one of us fell asleep, head upon the other’s shoulder. One night after a few hours of what could only be described as banter Charles blanked out, I looked at him and he was as white as a sheet with his jaw hanging wide open like a cod fish, and his eyes we lamp in the darkness. He stirred suddenly saying “Antioch, we’re supposed to meet the mobile fleet there. But we won’t make it, resistance at Three Rivers, tell command.
So he believes we are now just south of a place called Three Rivers along something called the I-Five, and that we were on our way to a place called Antioch. Before being hit, or falling asleep whichever came first, we were on our way to join the massive mobile core for a flanking assault upon our enemy’s rear guard. Along with Bahumat there were three other Ghost XI model mobile tanks, six single man and dual operator Crab II model quadruped tanks. A total of thirty seven well trained soldiers and seven stole away civilian family members in the Bahumat.
Supplies of water are getting short, the silence haunts our dreams, soon we will have to move the others to see if there are any liquid rations in the crates they are slumped up against. I hope Charles can get the power core back online, every day he spends countless hours in the darkness underneath the commanders console where the fusion reactor resides.
In earnest anticipation of,
With Charles
Tweets 24th
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Spoken Word Prose: The Time Machine Tattoo
The Time Machine Tattoo
Dragon's Back
A.I Machine Shells
In earnest anticipation of,
Tweets 23rd
Monday, July 22, 2013
July 22nd Poetry & Podcasts
Spoken Word July 22nd,
Some historical context of a forgetful moment in an A.D day when imagination met the future as one,
The alliteration codex and an altercation with a single comment, Left of the wrong affair occurring stage right past the rabbit down into the looking well at the world's end of hope toss a coin pretend luck on the foot of whose hole you fell through the green text endlessly streaming down the blacks screen of death handed over the scythe in a relinquishing manoeuvre for even the last breath theft at the red right hand is only given so much time to ponder over the mirage of sand in the hour glass of father who married mother earth's become the last battleground for nature vs nurture where the accepted point of view is use.. Use... Use!!!
Until all is gone and f(r)iends are left vacant like lovers far behind in a chalk outline of sick a drowning off air broadcast pool of silence purchased by political media sources for main black river bank stained by vermilion shed from the dying water send forth as propaganda we've nurtured out ignorance to accept.
Androcentrism Defiance
Patriarchy by product
Beautiful inviting puppets
Misogynistic oppression
Walls built by history
Society now accepts
Disregard equality
A silly notion
Hypothesis scheme
Contaminated religion
Woman in the background
Skeptic behind the pulpit
Lie advancing procedure
Loyal to a promise
To close eyes
Realm of nurture
Hierarchy of peace
Concept anarchy lost
War built wall by history
Social concept maniac
Conjured by comfort
Accepted as truth
A silly notion
Hypothesis scheme
Contaminated religion
Woman at the forefront
Shemale behind a pulpit
Sex change procedure
Loyal to a promise
To open eyes
Unwanted finish
Inappropriate climax
Hostile embracing move
An appropriate punishment
Prison sex justice hypothesis
Adjacent cellular bullying
No sleep for digital kids
Children burnt out
By hostile youth
A silly notion?
Protoman's paradox
False orientation
Adapt or deny
The biosphere
In earnest anticipation of,
Tweets 22nd
If you ever
If you've ever been in love, you'll understand what I'm about to say, if you haven't them take notes for I shall never again be able to configure this constellation of words this way again.
Solitude after inspiration Is worth the heartache,Every ounce of effort blood droplet of sweat & hopeful tears shed,She is worth it:Absolute
If I ever...Raised a hand even to the stars that back lit her shadow,I'd have to end myself,Suicide just cause right of the domestic abuser!
Her favourite moment was reopening my hear and like A secret Santa she was presented with a gift I didn't even know still existed, love... She is worth it.
Because of love I'd never look and certainly never touch, I've got an angel at home sitting on the throne of my year, she is worth it.
Never have to explain the trauma of bruises as an epic fall down the stairs instead of the abusive truth leads the headline of police truth
I have witnessed a myriad of satellite lonesome astronaut men fall to ash when beauty's love masquerade falters into truth from both sides.
Star gazing for my dancing satellite,Seven lions rendered the tree of life inept when the sky fall began,Twilight shadows angelic tears.
Follow the world,If it meant an opportunity to inspire but a meagre moment in another person's state in this human condition life sentence!
Fear,Life's ultimate weapon,Stepping out against selfish seconds of a manifest destiny taken on by Carpe Diem's greedy throttling of dreams!
All I ever wanted, A shot at the centre of your heart with an arrow labelled 'my whole life for this moment,'Survived the impact of abandon
Sunday, July 21, 2013
July 21st Podcasts & Poetry
A Red Pill Ghost Test!
A Dedication to Trafficking: The Noose!
A Bleak Dedication to Words... A Trinity of Hope
Testing the shadows of ghosts,Countryside open graves,Yard of contempt for being waylaid from the next realm of a spiritual life by avidity!
Domestic non verbal degenerate violence hiding in journals behind locked doors & under beds,Innocence a witness lost to a sea of red tears.
In lieu of fire,Black ash seared notice,Punctuation lost amidst tears of swelling rage,Anxiety overwhelms at the freedom of liberty,Comfort!
City if sky lit fire as clouds like tattered flags once white fall,Down over open wounds scars will never stain the children of land mines.
Knowledge is loss,Awareness breeds a matrix synch,Birth of conscience,Death of avarice exploring ignorance.
Exogenesis prey telling stories of psalms lost in dry heaving porcelain tales of sick aftermath trapped in memories of victim blaming rides.
In earnest anticipation of,
Tweet Poems 21st
I couldn't come up with anything else, and I am inadvertently intense due to equality as a conviction and the chivalry gained in my youth that I never, no halo... But.
There is a hole in the earth and poetically I'm trying to fill it.
My mother used to say I know you better than yourself, she still believes that to this day, even if she can't fathom why her eldest would wear a dress, paint his nails and put manhood to the test.
Parents always say that we're accepted,
They always said I was accepted, as long as I wasn't gay, no teen should witness love this way, that love has permission to act this way,
Pick a point in the universe,I dare not render tomorrow with doubts that fill today,Yesterday is a comet naught to catch,Live in the present
May patience be short of breath against the night trade where dreams are sold off for comforts buzz rebirth,Will our potential die this time
Despite an ever present risk of repulsion,I write,Nodding at the mirror's overture of silence,Decompress the sombre atmosphere for absolutes
Ring of a storm-scape,Land alive with ember fire,Dying in an emotion apocalypse,Seismic activity pinned down the breaking point of the heart
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Spoken Word July 20th
Dearest Life,
No regrets for words I never said...
In earnest anticipation of,
Tweet Poems 20th
Friday, July 19, 2013
One Day I spoke... Poetry Spoken Word July 19th
Tweet Poems 19th