Wednesday, July 24, 2013

World's Over Journal II Time & Place

So Charles and I had been attempting to work out where we were headed. Mostly we rambled back and forth in the silence until our voices were harsh or we one of us fell asleep, head upon the other’s shoulder. One night after a few hours of what could only be described as banter Charles blanked out, I looked at him and he was as white as a sheet with his jaw hanging wide open like a cod fish, and his eyes we lamp in the darkness. He stirred suddenly saying “Antioch, we’re supposed to meet the mobile fleet there. But we won’t make it, resistance at Three Rivers, tell command.

So he believes we are now just south of a place called Three Rivers along something called the I-Five, and that we were on our way to a place called Antioch. Before being hit, or falling asleep whichever came first, we were on our way to join the massive mobile core for a flanking assault upon our enemy’s rear guard. Along with Bahumat there were three other Ghost XI model mobile tanks, six single man and dual operator Crab II model quadruped tanks. A total of thirty seven well trained soldiers and seven stole away civilian family members in the Bahumat.

Supplies of water are getting short, the silence haunts our dreams, soon we will have to move the others to see if there are any liquid rations in the crates they are slumped up against. I hope Charles can get the power core back online, every day he spends countless hours in the darkness underneath the commanders console where the fusion reactor resides.

In earnest anticipation of,
With Charles