Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tweets 23rd

Dear God, Tomorrow I might die, So tonight I write to she who waits...

Dearest Death

Comparative nature of souls,A worrisome internal narrative that leads to reckless words,Prejudice foundation is comparison of one to another

Someday I shall day,Surely  my family will say I wasted my life writing these ill begotten words,Rather than seeking friends or finding love

Caption of inner turmoil lived outside,#Syria unto #Turkey Tear filled round up of citizens,A slave I call myself free,Unto a system of debt

Dear God, Tomorrow I might die, So tonight I write to she who waits...Dearest Death, Wrap your single wing left of centre over me as I...

Some people have dreams&gifts parents can be proud of,Both of mine are pock marks of my single white stain on this ageing black sheep,I die!

#Peace sits astride a lie,Freedom a witness to apathy,The world over is denied equality for the sake of perpetuating debt for greed's sake.

Malefaction of a disgusting nature, Innocent child's womb stolen by blood after she tested positive for a beating,#Fetus lost to #Violence !

Illogical principles thrown down the stairs,Out a window the daughter flees,Victim of a #Sexualcrime in dry darkness under invisible sheets!

Nothing to hide the intoxicating shame that lies inside after the perpetrator of #rape has finished his breach,A submissive storm rages on!

#Masturbate to degrading subject matter,Real life didn't bend over until the #beating began,Illbegotten will of destruction,Invisible murder

Breach of life,Signs of illegitimate #sexuality,#Gay mandated out of me,I was born the opposite way,Never accepted,Life is oft too tragic...

I wish my epitaph read,'I was born this way & accepted,' Sadly the #homosexuality was preyed for comfort out of me,A trap perception of love

Clear your mind,Fade the glacier of illegitimate logic out,Try to remember the peace of fairness,Foundation for equality,Signs of peace,Lost

We're undone,Staggering in a weary long overdue endless eclipse,Dark swallowed sanity's plea for inner peace while sitting silently at night

Share what it is I am with the world,Knowing the thoughts of my insane streaming of endless conscious poetry will advice love against me...

Men have died for less,The achievement of love, Echo upon my lips can't describe the blossom inside, Shadow the sun & I should still smile

Familiar constellation of a smile,Like waking beside hope,Cuddling hand in hand with an unforeseen everafter dream,Edge of hope is this love

Tragic lonely life sign apparel,Stranger offshore treading water in a sea of battered hope,Distance leapt of faith by a lean in,Kiss of lips

Beautiful amidst battered dreams,Chivalrous notice left on your heart,Kind words asking 'please heal me, I'm already complete,' I found you!

Scenario of hopeless desperation,What to do next,Closed my lidless inner eye&turned off the imagination,Living in the moment I met her skin

I looked into my dreams & saw today,It's 1:17 AM & I'm still up writing the hope inspired version of my heart in text upon invisible pages.

God damn my intentions,Inadvertent subconscious depths of selfishness,Where does it sprout from,Nature's grasp or Nurture's broken heart...

Stand with me,Hope is on it's way,Eventually time explains all lose in the last breathe,An epic realisation that a reason ignored did exist!