Tuesday, July 9, 2013

This Round: Mine Hive Mind Origin Source

Highborne memories,

    Dawn of the twilight hours of time, Sincerely grim context for avocado's natural hour glass frame of the world lingering under a pale grey sky as the earth bleeds herself for the only treasure that matters to her...Dry, for heaven or hell's sake, Only the no god beyond the redemption chamber of mercy wherein the lies contained at the forefrontal lobe's constant tap out to conscious sedation praises the worthy realm... Of comfort!

    Plastic use of a love doll sexual affection, No one questions the legitimate intentions of a f(r)iend getting off behind stage left of the screen where no one but matrix algorithms can see in blind green over black to obsidian pitch text split triple ochre green verbiage displaying lust gone awry, A soul lost of treasure.

     The only thing worthy of the marriage of Mother Earth to Father Time wasn't humanity's unsteady stream of half sexually infuriating sedation unto comfort whilst bleeding the heart dry despite a thousand fail safe signal warnings to change, Love is...

     The chain of the treasure chest's trove of everything of value, Stolen gold is another breath waylaid by a lusty towards the prey of self, Stealing away the emergence of precious moments you'll never recognise in a benign heart incapable of streaming the steady conscious flow of feeling necessary to translate emotion.

     Love... The reason I God Damn everything, Hear me out... I'm just breathing amidst disbelief of what I'm seeing, A thirty year failure come to an end, Answer of life prescribed via a midnight wake up call of fate, Algorithymn of a choice spoken with a kiss in the epitaph of my last suffocating lonely moment trying to overcome this shaky obsidian step into pitch dark alone destiny of a poet gone awry with awareness...

    Maybe I'm not so loveless, unlovable... Misunderstood from the foundation of my soul into the future as I once thought... Maybe I'm just rejected by everything and everyone I once knew, Because I... I'm just caught up in the lifestream of a fate unbelonging to me... No, I believe!

     Walk every millisecond in this skeletal husk called 'me,' No shame of the lonely cold view in the mirror I always knew, Banish myself away into depths of ochre memories where the pyre of forgiveness once existed, Charred fire ground smell of the mental tricks played by myself upon me, Focus on the future and write away, This is the destiny of one who dreams... Persevere with every second, Skin of choice, The seed of every single moment...

     Reach or eventually realise every moment's regret against dreams was a slow soul suicide...!

In earnest anticipation of,