Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Unknown Days


     The day I don't wake up,Heart grew too tired to live,Rotten with rage from the history we relive on repeat,Those who have learned are killed off,The debt limit break must rise until... Anxiety claims the lives of more blue collar crews and more children are traded into a sexual hive network of honey between their loins,A sad world without change...

     Every mourn I woke hoping to glimpse the end of worry's debt existence parade amidst doubt's foreboding of another night in cold sweat and of course the Devil: Apathy.

     Each night I contemplated death,Malfunctioning wrists or a noose drowning,How might I meet an end,Awareness keeps me present,I may forgive but I can't ever forget,Every face scene or article read,A Roman Empire of memories built upon bricks of unforgivable moments.

    Wake in heaven or in hell,Just glad not to see this world's frown,Mother Nature was raped by culture while Father Time suckles on the breasts of Grace whose pregnant with All History's Remorse,An every night binge they lay intertwined beside the sea,Awaiting the end,Just as I do...

In earnest anticipation of,