Sunday, August 11, 2013

Burning Down Heaven 2.0

What we witness,

     Rewriting a gold plated broken precedence diagram of heaven, unpredictable grey twilight stands an unrecognisable jester reading evil closet transcripts of ancient nightmare drafts at the lock into clouds behind an empire of flying anomalies whose wings once white are scorched with napalm photographs of war, fair is the daily liberation front of the battle report from the fields of killing where unprecedented ochre haze burns the grass breaching mounds unadorned by a million crosses in shadow of a sketch falling apart in the hands of the artist revisiting the draft... Of a hidden lane fairy angelic tale inaudibly witnessed in a dialogue with the obscene; history, beside Satan you're filling gaps in the liberated stone brigade of heaven's only lane...

     Named guilt by a brave witless story of evil tidings of ancient unaccepted drafts jester, Loose fitting moral translation of a relapse sign always waited for... This is the mansionless unrecognisable realm of heaven, for those who seek it, they shall find, a hollow dark of mirrors without scapegoats.

In earnest anticipation of,