A dosage of pleasantries,
Prey Like Us... III
Plague of apathy,Long ever vanquished light of a distant far off memory cry to believe in,Virtue is a saint & greed is comfort,Our death...!
Hand craft scarred ring broken finger,Not a millisecond of rest for a queen slinking out to spend two minutes in another man's bed,Lust is?
Violent behind the back trend of sexual appeasement the wicked call 'love,'Turbulent determination to uphold a one way broken vow,Truth died
Another man's six back door seconds of love breeds a pregnancy,Final birth outcome not life but remorse,Victim cums in his hand once again.
Trapped in between a vow & a dead space,Vigilante of virtue mingled with remorse another hero plunges a new found f(r)iend of steel until dead.
Burning Down Heaven II
In earnest anticipation of,
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