Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Poetry & Podcasts August 28th (Nerdity Warning)

The following content is quasi to overly nerdy.

Flash Bulb - Shogun of the Dark I (Nerdity Warning)

Dear God, Tomorrow I might die, So tonight I write to she who waits...

Dearest Death

Shadow of a snake upon the way,Roll of the ladder's fallen dice upon the dais before the throne of guilt,We play at luck instead of will!

Conjured dialogue, spell to overcome
Conjured mechanical dialogue,Spell of a messenger,White inhuman hand web of silk lies woven by wrestles hands sifting through silhouettes.

Eight legged conundrum beguiling ambient butterfly passengers a moth's silhouette,Miscreant of ill boding curiosity,Epitaphs filed in blood!

Nucleon entrance to the synapse of a fire breather,Altruistic divine light's atomic eclipse,State of the earth excited at the particle birth

Hyper flexible knees bowed before an evil toothless smile constellation,Back contortionist bender appalled at the crime of chemicals scene!

Unqualified to speak,Grew up stone bold as white boring,Hallways bullied deep this truth:Grotesque dream traitors only monetarily win vanity

Fabled ancient myth infused lore explanation for the hole in one's earth:The heart,Body endlessly mentions aches&the mind is numb with cold!

Entangled lost acrobat,Crippling arduous gradient,Solemn diligence passage,Theatre abiding conceit,Erotic prototype costume familiar trap!

Flash Bulb - Additional Pylon Clarity (Nerdity Warning)

In earnest anticipation of,