Friday, August 30, 2013

Poetry & Podcasts August 30th

Film Critical Acclaim

Every ghost,Wrestles life once,Shell conceived prey,Waking in grey isolation,Aftermath of the world's use,Husk is hollow in tragic appeal...

Theft of conscience's decrepit whore-mongering profit only globe,Compassion is apathy,Synonym for profit,War on earth,Plain to see,An ending

Vanity a killjoy unto the pariah of hope,Vagabond gone rogue,Venturing onto battle insurgent fields amidst the vapid storm of hailing profit

Paper mache intravenous string resurrection,Alternative injection route,Puppeteer's decaying overly used marionette therapy,Rise with ghosts

Veteran magic hand trick play at roulette incognito,Reverse chalk outline murder photograph,Still as bullet hole stone,Resurrection failure!

Chemical Crime Clarity: Syria

In earnest anticipation of,