Saturday, October 8, 2011

Martyr Lab

Behind every lab
Are soul’s make up
A constellation of stars
Constantly justifying life
Burnt down without hope

I redefine the conscripts
Unliving birth without a bottle
Crying delayed by pronouncement
Dead upon arrival no fetus resuscitation

Stem cell lab work
Souls stapled to a tube
Flesh without conscience minted
Change a world one life at a time

I redefine the conscripts
Children off to war in Congo
Raping their mothers as victims
Dead sisters upon arrival no names
Nothing printed upon certificate paper

Fuck the world
Corporate willing slaves
I’m so tired of this lonely mission
Breathing in my own hope for a high
This is the worst time to be alive
I question even equality
Ghosts define our time
I am but half wake
Dying to die
I rhyme