Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rage X Evidence

Wish I was half lovely
Anorexia is the worth of my life
Soul thought narrow because I believe in hell
Even if I question everything of the Father almighty
She didn’t believe I was worthy of a fight
I am the most of the least of life
Nothing comes easy
Cherish love

Her rage ate everything we could ever be
White Jesus mocked as a zombie
Evidence for both sides are lies
Equality her hatred killed
Sad story before a pill

Half lovely nightmare dream
Anorexia bulimia purged me free
Human sight dilates the eyes of prison
Question the media or swallow freedom lies
My chest bares the self-breathing scars
Sadly the worry is monetary
Nothing comes easy
Cherish love

Hatred ate all love could ever be
Comparison to a fallen memory
Mocked all the man I ever was
Yesterday life was meaningful
Then love went and fell away
I express that I am wrong