Saturday, August 24, 2013

Unbroken... Code of Hope.


     Hope is bound to the heart, Like wisdom is bound to knowledge, Both are an application you must use. Psychologically no one can describe how to live in any particular moment, nor the next that comes after. That is what wisdom is for, discerning the correct action(s), possibly in the aftermath of said interaction.

    Emotional attachment exist when hope arises, often this is brought up from the depths of will, it is called courage... Which is much more valuable than confidence. Confidence walks a walk every step, without deviation, save when something unpredictable occurs. Courage exists within the an opposing individual than our confidence walker, It is constantly there, yet it lies dormant until necessary...

     In today's society hope is very much desired, yet courage and other virtues are not. Sadly you cannot have hope without virtue. For any form of hope that lacks virtue is pure, in selfishness and thus is not hope at all but desire.

     So it is that hope and courage, along with a myriad of virtues are intertwined. Find one and begin a path to courage, on behalf of a brighter future.

In earnest anticipation of,