Monday, September 12, 2011

Bottle of Hearts

The bottles are of distress
My heart made another mistake
Then I drove over our love on accident
Now I can’t sleep at night without heartache

A few onlookers laughed
Some in shame they did cry
As I prepared my own noose
Right before their eyes
Come out of hiding

All the words are of love
A heart made of mistakes
Yet it cares to carry ever on
Until I am availed by darkness

A few onlookers laughed
Some in shame cried
Watched the noose
As I prepared
To die

I warp hearts filled with pleasure
Though I have no regrets
Release the untameable
Not afraid of them
Or what they say

Saw my own life
Flash before my eyes
Witnessed my own violent last breath
Then I recommitted to be the messenger
The Villain of Truth has no escape
A greater purpose
For his transgressions