Sunday, September 4, 2011

Slick Damage (Fire Away)

Like a mountains overflow
Lava power going insane
A quick sequence of damage
Like an epic oil slick

Fire away
Until my will is gone
Fire away damage sustained
Sinking is my soul ship
Into the harbours of hell

Step back to fill the sight
Raised now lock and load
Until we are eye to eye
Then defy love
Kill it in me
Fire away

Fire away
Until the damage is done
Fire away until nothing remains
Of love on my sinking ship
Down I plummet deep
To the harbours of hell

A napalm chained event
Magnitude of liquid magma
Poured upon my living flesh
Like an oil slick over animals
I am certain beyond question

If you would
Be my sail please
Stand at my side tonight
Just stand, nothing more
Stand by my side