Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Putting my uneducation into practice
Mocked in the hallways and sidewalks
No comrades I’m polarized lonely
Abandoned ship before it sank
Humbled I’m nearly extinct

Gradual homage to a pill
Civilized citizen’s prejudice
Ignoring any possible foreign
Socialization immersed in sleep
Street walking sidewalk strangers
Uncomfortable fear steals ya breath
I’m addressing humanity supremacists
Who exist without acknowledging
Worldwide equality

Dairy be my contraband
Evolving backwards by belief
Milk ain’t a dietary necessity
Contrary to masses popularity
Cruelty is empowered by humanity’s taste for greed
Drugged to produce more milk than naturally necessary
We the human machine demand our share
Steal their children to commit to death
Veal consumption is immature murder
Remember each loss in the chest
Neglect is tragic for every life is precious

Cow milk is rape
Frogs nearly extinct
Humanity supremacist
I’m addressing carnivores
Marching into McDonalds after a victory
Fuck ya’ll putting my uneducation into practice
More grain worldwide feeds your beef
Than starving children in Syria
Read the truth & pretend
You didn’t see…

Globalization degenerates
Laws protecting corporations
Neglecting the worldwide family
The worker will live in 1984
Slaves across the street
From your own front…
Rich corporate door

Putting uneducation to practice
Until I change my whole habitat
Recreate perception without prejudice
Marching forward without celebrating
There is no answer to my question
Earth Sheppard karma kill us
God regenerates we murder
Every step is an auction
Watch the price of life
Who you be steppin on

The march to my destination is long
Won’t see what I’m working for