Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Swelling of Tears

Tears swelling as we see
Images on media broadcasts
Of children found in dumpsters
Suffering for who their mother was
Tears rain as I write

Every day they survived alone
Under frozen night's sky
With the will to oppose
Their life is a protest
Of true acceptance
That we can't find

Children dying from basic needs
Clean water we fucking flush down
What revelation will break your heart
Enough to change to make a difference
Before death knocks and just like them
We find ourselves in the grave

Every night they survive
Children starving on prostitute streets
Raped by their parents who forgot their face
Sold into slavery in a system we empower
The true crime is we're comfortable
Until it breaks they're our slaves
For we could free them all
Our courtesy is tears
Shed without change
Without acceptance
Without the power
Of love