Sunday, September 25, 2011

Self Carving

When equality stays awhile
I won’t desire my own pyre
To become a human candle stick
A living fire of reign upon your parade
Existing for the hope of the extinguished

Used to carve myself
A monster self-created
A demon for equality within me
Eating me before the throne alive

When the purity of equality reigns
I’ll resign myself to my own problems
The sorrow of my self-accomplished hell
A prison I abandoned hope to dwell within

Carve myself alive
A demon self-accepted
The monster embraced inside
Eating alive before the throne

Pour the fuel
Light the match
Carve out my eyes
A human candle stick

Carve myself alive
A demon self-accepted
The monster embraced inside
Eating alive before the throne

With the world free of inequality
I’m preying upon my knees
Inhuman feelings flow
As I shave my head