Sunday, September 15, 2013

Angelic Plague Green Eyes Draft I

Draft 2009

Some of these poems are old,
Odes to another soul's  days,
Some remain in their first draft,
Raw and unedited for power's sake
Soon to be replaced with a second edition
Some are of the darkness while others are hopeful
Content in counter culture to current events
Use tale herein told
From an empathetic imagination
To heal, find hope, or inspiration
Or words for a wound long hidden
May the light of equality radiate
Ending prejudice and bullying
In earnest anticipation of,

Angelic Plague Green Eyes

Lying awake amidst sirens
Dreaming of seeing the light in her eyes
Looking down in love upon the corpse of...
As if anyone such as this queen loved...

Pale green eyes find mine
Hopeless to be vanquished
Take me plague symphony
Angelic wing hiding sun
Show the light as I die

Guided hand of fate
Stage left death exit
No struggle was left
Suffocate the lonely

Take back this debt parade
Monetary confidence is dead
Pulpits we no longer believe
In their blessings of death

Thesis for denial
Debt is eternal
We never...