Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Poetry & Podcasts September 17th

Some of these poems are old,
Odes to another soul's  days,
Some remain in their first draft,
Raw and unedited for power's sake
Soon to be replaced with a second edition
Some are of the darkness while others are hopeful
Content in counter culture to current events
Use tale herein told
From an empathetic imagination
To heal, find hope, or inspiration
Or words for a wound long hidden
May the light of equality radiate
Ending prejudice and bullying
In earnest anticipation of,

Horrid Birth (An Facehugger Ode)

Nothing but lines.

    Outcome of cost fulfils the equation of loss amidst tears in the mathematical human condition affliction socially accepted course of greed. Another child sexual virginity slave severe rape virginity not by choice amputee,My white hands are in like kindness of death! Christ was no pale skinned degenerate seeking pulpit fame! I digress myself into the invisible allies as shadow, to find Him there, brushing off the foot left to the child who stepped on a napalm left over war crime!

    Nothing written is familiar to me,Yet every sentence memories,They shall remain in darkness,Invisible to the world forever,I write to impress my own mind & pass the fleeting moments by... For nothing else, save my mind... In this world,Makes sense to me...

  Nothing appeases the darkness,Not even the broken poets who attempt to piece the solace of life back together in these grim selfish days.

Best to be silent in a corner, Shut the fuck up & get up to...Work,Slave away just like the sexual amputees sold 3rd world into slavery... Raise the single digit with me,Draw the line... Time to torture the greed that left compassion long ago far behind!!!!

People dream of wishes fulfilled,Of validation & things filling new houses & apartments,I dream of everything adhering to our long dead sense of honest compassion,The only thing left to treasure: our virtues, forever lived

Every poetic irrational night I take the words inside too far,No boundaries for the solar flare awakening amidst the onset of skin to knife f(r)iendship occurring constantly...

Yajpen (Draft I 2009)

In earnest anticipation of,