Saturday, September 28, 2013

Cause of One

Villainous protagonist concept,

      Anti-hero standing amidst sirens once sleeping raise the conquest of lingering contempt, Truth's obscene rule breaking bipolar beautiful heart quasi breaking bipolar seizure rending lies ruing two complex shared mode of lives into one...

     Acceptance betwixt logically bound lovers, Bold check queen heroine mate move chess bound strategic rules over the solemn deprecating protagonist hiding a jar of hope deep, everlastingly down in the depths of a tortured soul come back to life on behalf of... Everyone.

     But if ever you've known the health care undiagnosable disorderly ataxia conduct of the heart's derangement, A vividly intoxicating mental illness everlasting disarray entitled love, Then you'll understand the iris of forever's nebula streaming the universe live and unisolated for those who accept it from beyond the sun... Nothing is beyond love. Thus the prime algorithm of sums begins the ode unto isolation that every single digit human is worthy of the attempt at solving the equation of beauty, Chained in onyx squared sums of darkness' shadow deep down inside the dungeons built up inside!

    Thus rebegins the tear filled gesture of a barely visible hat tip of the protagonist unto the villain, Both remembering to break through the obsidian nearly choked out heartache of the past, Either side of the agreement shall be accepted, Long overly tasted moments of breathless contempt realized amidst painful recognition of the obviously downcast loss on the battle grey fields of allure or a second analysis hoped for but always out of hand's reach: Love, watched for in anime post war civilizations while half weeping both inside unto outer shell inside out as the tears of the ghost rolled out... Until I met you...

    A single gilded statement held the protagonist's beauty at the villain's side forever 'hey, you're pretty tall...'

'I'm slouching,' smiling she replied...

So began...

In earnest anticipation of,