Sunday, September 8, 2013

World's Over Journal XIII Silent Night

      In the early hours of the morning, as the sun rose into the sky, dawning yet another green day, I found myself missing the red or even blue light of our old sun. I sat silently, buttocks firmly planted on the front steps this had become one of my favourite spots, besides the backside of the Golem Rock under the sunlight at mid-day. I find myself here often, upon the steps, during the day both before and after the daily chores of the garden and fetching water was done.

      With my journal in my lap, I began to write, ‘sorry I couldn't manage last night,’ I pause to take in a deep breath and ponder a moment over last night’s events. An awful silence filled me with dread, it occurred as my pen hit the paper to begin writing. No bird or creature could I hear outside or roaming around the halls, as they often seemed to enjoy doing in the hours of darkness. At first I thought it was just my mind wrapped up on itself, too deep in thought to recognize the external, but soon I realized that nothing beyond my self was making any sound.

     Then, I heard it, deep footsteps in the hall just beyond my door. I heard the raspy breathing of, what I could only guess, the troll from the other day. She stood in the hall way for a time, I could make her out amongst the shadows, standing there one arm outstretched before her. I heard the sound of scratching, as a finger nail upon a chock board, I dared not think beyond the immediate sense in the moment for fear of arousing her to my presence, though I was almost certain she knew I was there, for my heart beat was loud as my breathing was long and hard in preparation for flight or fight. Suddenly she turned her gaze from the wall and two bright orbs of yellow pierced the darkness, stealing my breath away, and she was gone

In earnest anticipation of,
Without Charles