Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Poetry & Podcasts September 3rd


Some people exist to beseech the world for statue's price to pay touch of red ladder of blood transfusion debt over equality,As if they never had a choice amidst the quicksand of society,I'd rather have nothing than attempt to bury myself with a (billion)single toy in the end.

Morning after pill regime of guilt to blame on her...For male sexual climax beautiful erasable disaster crimes,Hold your breath double digit life cell & scream your longs out,Goodbye.

Often when words coordinate my tongue to confide,
     As a ghost child bare single amputated foot on concrete, Begin to believe I'm redefining my life... Single digit non passive but aggressive verbose moments when poetry takes of paradox and rhetoric imbues prose... Find myself most alive when I'm alone.

     Unfortunate series of half heartedly unchosen events separated the future from my friends, Rebuilding in a world full of seemingly endless promises, dreams & hopes... For everyone else, not me, it's a beautiful earth, time to venture into the ethereal realms, log out & go

In earnest anticipation of,