Monday, September 2, 2013

Poetry & Podcasts September 2nd

Tin Soldiers! Draft I

Cunning empathy absorbed mind analyses the core of pride,Produce hybrid word weaving that curses apathy's subconscious plague via education!

Dementia's relapse student of finality never found,Noose wrought discovery,Death ends the terror of shieldless memory loss in mental illness

22nd century cast of corporate feudalism,Karma's judgement system made welfare citizens unattainable dream catchers & arsonists on postcards

Blue smoke breathing sirens of dragons endlessly chase theory based spy like activists,Poets to painters,An age of lucid dementia streamed!

Metropolis of the uncaring heart,Unrecognisable last treasure on earth;Compassion is lost to avarice amidst the terrors of profit's wars...!

Jar Head

In earnest anticipation of,